Thursday 7 January 2010

Imagine FX Cover

My entry for Imagine FX's cover star competition. I scrapped the more detailed wolves for these shadowy ones :P

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Rendered Ronai

Rendered Ronai and scrapped the wolves. They weren't working so I have to figure out another background.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

More Wip

So I wanted to create a really crazy inky background to go behind Ronai. At first the wolves were just going to be black shadows with glowing eyes, but after I sketched them I really liked them, lol. So Instead I'm going to use it as a texture which I'll lay over another painted background once I've rendered Ronai. These are just her flat basic colours to start off with. Unfortunately, I wasn't thinking when I painted the background and the top right hand wolf is going to be covered up by something on the cover, so I'm going to have to slide him down more and probably scrap the lower right hand wolf.

Friday 1 January 2010

Ronai Sketch

ImagineFX is hosting a cover competition and the deadline is so soon! At the last minute I decided I shouldn't let this oppurtunity pass so I've quickly sketched up Ronai, an original character of mine from a book I have yet to write, lol. I sketched her in blue pencil which I'll ink over now. The background is going to be hand painted dark drippy wolves... I hope. Let's see.